Membership Roster

Joining a new adventurers society can be a daunting task. Be sure, BrassGears will help you if you are ever taken by a tribe of cannibals. BAS will not let you get eaten. We also understand you might want to see what we are about. You are invited to join our Facebook page or the BrassGears page as guests. Read about what is going on and what we do. BrassGears also invites all to attend an event and/or BAS meeting which makes you an associate member. It is just that easy to join in the fun. Please check out our upcoming events or Facebook page to see the latest in adventures. If or when you have decided that you wish to be part of the fearless few that dare to brave the great unknown and become a full member, let the BAS president, Snap O' Grady know and he will assign a sponsor for you. We have two meetings a year that is held during Spring and Fall that we welcome full members to the BrassGears Adventurers Society. What is the difference between an associate and full member? As a full member you are allowed to vote on certain items and to become an officer. For fun items like naming our mascots, all are welcomed to vote, but too have anything to do with by-laws, holding offices or voting in those who wish to be full members, only full members are allowed to do so. Want to see who are our full members? You can see the full member roster below. Full Member Roster These are the fearless few that have dared to brave the great unknown and become full member of BrassGears. (If you are a full member and do not see your name on the list please contact the vice president.) We realize that they are not in alphabetical order. They are put on the list as they are received by the president. Links on certain names will take you to their Facebook or Blogs.

Founding Members

·         William H. "Snap O'Grady"

·         Calliope Jane Kristobel

·         Mrs. Vivian Grace Fogg aka Ms. Smith aka Morgan

·         Mr. Phineas Fogg

·         Doctor B. von Wehrmacher

·      Mrs. Lorenz

·         Prof. Edwin Dane

·         Drucilla Yeardleigh Nokes- Ellingwood

·         Susanna Davenport

·         Captain Samuel McClelland

·         Detective William Murdoch

·         Rory Paget

·         Eliza

·         Gregoire

·         Bunny Flambe

·         Mad Max

·         Nicholas Morenga

·         Professor Dr. Abigaile Kennsington

Joined May 5, 2013

·         Lady Alana Greystone

·         Clementine Jane L'Orange

·         Scarlett Rose Van Heising

·         Lady Amelia Florence Hanawalt

·         Saraphina Anna Victoria von Macht

·         Amielia Diadema Pond

·         Montague "Monty" McAllister

·         Royal Alexander Crawford

·         John Carson

Joined May 4, 2014

·         Tabitha (Kitty) Rumblefeather

·         Col. Victoria Bates (ret)

·         Alara Rose

·         Lt. Watson Volts

·         Lady Ursula Muehlenhauser-Royce

·         Zebediah Maximillian Birch

·         Violet Birch

·         Wilhelmina Constance Guth

·         Ms. Fiona Donovan

·         Professor Hugo Cameleo Winklesham 

·         Eliza "El" M. Flagherty

·         The Story Mechanist (goes by Story or Ms. Mechanist)

·         Mercella Coltier (Merci Colt)

·         Professor Florian Herbert Royce (Professor Florian)

·         Professor Calpernia Genevieve Cain

Joined May 3, 2015

·         Devan Dahle

·         Reil DeGarvin - Sky Captain

·         Scot Alter

·         Alexandria Smiley

·         Marcy Wilton

·         Tadao Tomomatsu

Joined May 1, 2016

·         Percivial "Percy" Byron Fugglesworth

·         Bedilia "Bunny" Fugglesworth

·         Col. Fulbright von Ravenlich

Joined May 7, 2017

·         Stripped Gears McGurk

·         Ms. Kempf

Joined September 9, 2017

·         Jamilla Hulbert Kepple

·         Darlene Hulbert

·         Lynne Shaneyfelt Allison

Joined May 8, 2022

  • Artemus “Arte” Abernathy

  • Kotyna “Katre” Montez

  • Partice Hunstad

  • Jeffrey Hunsstad

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