“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.”

— Groucho Marx

“Some of us knew the great man, some did not, but regardless, with new friends and old, on the eve of what would have been Babbage’s 100th birthday, I wish to begin anew this BrassGears Adventurers’ Society, to rebuild our past, to pursue our future and do it with bold intent and a sense of adventure. A whole world awaits us.”

— Snap O’Grady


Welcome to the BrassGears Adventurers Society,   Thank you for your interests in our fine group by looking through the Great Brass Library. You are most welcome to stay as a guest on our Aether site and enjoy seeing the adventures that we, as a group and individuals, partake in. We also invite you to test the waters and attend an event and/or BAS meeting becoming an associate member. Events/Meetings will be posted on our Facebook page and on this site.

If or when you have decided that you wish to be a larger part of the fearless few that dare to brave the great unknown and become a full member, inform the BAS president, Snap O' Grady and he will assign a sponsor for you. The BrassGears application form that you need to fill out is found below . We have members throughout North America.

The application contains information forms, BrassGears History, Song, Motto, a section to describe your character and more importantly, why you want to join the BAS if you choose. If you need help, contact us via the "contact us" page or, if you have asked for a sponsor, he/she will help you with the application and any questions you may have. The application you fill out will be reviewed for a vote by the membership. Each new full member will be required to recite the society motto - Audacia, Scientia, Aventum! (Daring, Science, and Adventure!) and sing (or recite) the society song (both are found on their section of the Great Brass Library) before membership will be considered official. (As a group of course.) But most of all have fun!

If you wish to know more about the BrassGears, please take a look at our ByLaws and Code of Conduct. Link if found above.   With great membership comes great responsibility and full, voting and participating members must exhibit these qualities. Thank you again for your interests and welcome. If you have any questions, please contact President Snap or me. We would love to talk with you!
Sincerely Yours,
Monty McCallister ~ BAS Vice President