BrassGears Adventure Society Bylaws

Revised 8/29/13, 6:52 PM

Section I: Intent and Interpretation of By-Laws

1.0 Purpose of by-laws. These by-laws were developed for the following purposes:

1.1 To define the purpose and direction of the BrassGears Adventure Society and its sponsorship of its events and social functions.

1.2 To define the duties, responsibilities, rights, and authority of its officers and members.

1.3 To provide a set of guidelines for settling disputes.

2.0 Interpretation of by-laws. Whenever possible, these by-laws should be interpreted by intent first, rather than literal wording.

3.0 Definition of terms. The following are definitions of terms used in these bylaws.

3.1 BAS — An acronym meaning “BrassGears Adventure Society.”3.2 Full member — A person who has applied, and been accepted, for BAS membership, and has been accorded all rights pertaining thereto.

3.3 Associate member — A person who has applied for BAS membership, but has not yet been formally accepted for full membership.

3.4 Guest — Person attending a BAS meeting, function, or event who has not been accepted for associate (conditional) or full membership.

3.5 Contributing member — A full or associate member who participates in BAS activities by teaching, learning, construction, and/or role-play in a Steampunk vein, including but not necessarily restricted to: costuming, gadgetry, crafts, promotion, and persona play-acting.

3.6 Voting member — a full member of the BAS who has been accorded the right to vote on matters upon which a general vote has been called. Note that a full member's right to vote may be suspended under certain circumstances. Refer to Section VI of this document for further definitions and complete details regarding membership voting rights.

3.7 Wombat — A dark-furred marsupial that is not generally associated with whiffletrees.

3.8 Meeting/business meeting — A scheduled gathering of the BAS membership with the express purpose of conducting society business. Refer to Section IV of this document for further definitional details of BAS meetings.

3.9 Event/social function — A scheduled gathering of BAS members and guests for the purpose of socializing, education, or other intent related to the purpose and goals of the BAS. Refer to Section V of this document for further definitional details of BAS events and social functions.

3.10 Officer — A BAS member elected to an official society office. Refer to Section VII of this document for detailed information on BAS officers.

3.11 Appointee — A BAS member selected to administer an approved post, short-term project task, or to serve as an event/social function chairperson; or a group of BAS members selected to serve on an interim or long-term committee. Refer to Section IX, paragraph 1 of this document for further definitions and information regarding BAS appointees.

3.12 Approved post — An administrative or chair position approved by the BAS voting membership, to which a member selected by one or more of the society's officers may be appointed. Refer to Section IX, paragraph 2 of this document for further definitions and information regarding BAS approved posts.

3.13 Interim committee — A group of appointed BAS members charged with the task of overseeing a BAS event, project, or goal that will be executed within a limited time period. Refer to Section IX, paragraph 3 of this document for further definitions and information regarding BAS interim committees.

3.14 Long-term committee — A group of appointed or elected BAS members charged with the task of overseeing an ongoing or extended period event, project, or goal of the BAS. Refer to Section IX, paragraph 4 of this document for further definitions and information regarding BAS long-term committees.

3.15 Society property — Any material goods or assets purchased with BAS funds or funds donated to the BAS, or tangible or intangible products or intellectual property produced and retained by the BAS. Refer to Section XI of this document for further definitions and information pertaining to BAS property.

3.16 Society purposes (as pertains to the use of society property) — Refers to the use of society property during any official function of the BAS (i.e., meeting, event, or social function).

3.17 Promotional purposes (as pertains to the use of society property) — Refers to the use of society property by society members at functions/events outside of the society's own functions and events, in which BAS members are participating for the purpose of promoting or raising awareness of the BAS.

3.18 Outside purposes (as pertains to the use of society property) — Refers to the use of society property by society members or others for activities not directly associated with the BAS.

Section II: General Goals

1.0 Definition of purpose. The BrassGears Adventure Society (BAS) is a non-profit organization that was created, and exists for, the following purposes:

1.1 To provide a resource group for those interested in Steampunk, Victoriana, and related areas.

1.2 To promote interest in Steampunk, Victoriana and related areas.

1.3 To sponsor events and social functions related to Steampunk and Victoriana.

Section III: Membership

1.0 Persons qualified for membership in the BAS. Membership in the BAS is open to all persons, age 13 and above, who are interested in Steampunk and Victoriana, who have demonstrated the ability to be involved as a contributing member, and who have completed an application for membership and been accepted by an anonymous three-fifths vote of the current voting membership. Persons applying for membership must have the sponsorship of at least one active BAS full member.

2.0 Payment of dues for members. The BAS membership may elect at a future date to require payment of dues in order to retain full membership and the privileges accorded thereto.

3.0 Revocation of membership. The society retains the right to revoke the membership, and all privileges that pertain thereto, of any full or associate society member. 

3.1 Membership may be revoked for one or more of the following reasons:

3.1.1 Criminal activity committed against the society or its members.

3.1.2 Conduct unbecoming of a society member.

3.1.3 Unsafe behavior or activity that endangers any society member or society property.

3.1.4 Absence or non-participation in society activities for a period of one year, without provision or membership awareness of extenuating circumstances.

3.1.5 Refusal to adhere to society rules and protocol.

3.1.6 Non-payment of dues (if dues are required).

3.2 An individual’s membership is revoked via the following due process:

3.2.1 The individual must be determined to be in violation of society rules, protocol, or decorum, as defined by the list of infractions above (paragraph 3.1 and its subparagraphs)

3.2.2 Before a revocation of membership can take effect, the individual’s case must be reviewed and ruled upon by a quorum of the society’s officers.

3.3.3 If an individual’s membership is revoked, the individual may enter a request for reinstatement that includes a written defense and/or offer of restitution for consideration. Reinstatement and restitution will be at the discretion of a quorum of society officers.

Section IV: Meetings

1.0 Definition of meetings. Meetings are defined as any gathering of the BAS membership that includes no fewer than three society officers, and whose primary purpose is to conduct society business.

2.0 Meeting times. Meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month, at 7:15 p.m. Any necessary changes to the regular meeting time must be approved by the society president, and announced via the BAS website.

3.0 Changing of meeting times. The society membership may, at any time, elect to temporarily or permanently change the time of meetings.

4.0 Place of meetings. The BAS meeting venue will vary, depending on the meeting purpose and available resources. The location of each meeting will be provided to the membership by the society president no later than three days prior to the meeting date.

Section V: Events and Social Functions

1.0 Definition of events and social functions. Events and social functions are defined as any gathering of three or more BAS full members, including at least one society officer, with the purpose of engaging in social entertainments, educational activities, and promotional events (e.g., costuming workshops, gadgetry show-and-tell, Victorian-themed live-action role-play, picnics and outings, etc.).

2.0 Times and locations of events and social functions. The times and places of events and social functions will vary, as required by the nature of the event or function, but will be scheduled at least once per quarter (i.e., once every three months). The time and location of each event or social function will be provided to the membership at least one meeting prior to the event/function.

3.0 Requirements for events and social function attendance. Certain events of the BAS may require attendees to meet specific participation criteria, including, but not necessarily limited to: manner of dress, an official BAS persona, props or accessories, appropriate legal age, etc.

3.1 For events and social functions that include participation requirements, the requirements will be announced at the time that the event is placed on the society schedule.

3.2 Event and social function requirements will be in effect for all participants, including associate members and guests. The society will provide rudimentary effects for persons who wish to participate, but do not themselves have the elements required by the event/function. Full members must take responsibility for any guests that are invited to such events and social functions.

3.3 Refusal to comply with the required event/function criteria is grounds for barring an individual from participation, but will not constitute grounds in-and-of-itself for revoking an individual’s membership.

3.4 Individuals participating in society events and functions must exhibit appropriate behavior.

3.4.1 Any infraction included on the society’s list for grounds of membership revocation (see Section III, paragraph 3.1 and subparagraphs above) may be grounds for expulsion from the event/function.

3.4.2 Expulsion is at the discretion of the attending officer or officers. 

3.4.3 Individuals expelled from an event are barred from attending future society events until a review of the individual’s case is undertaken by a quorum the society’s officers, as per the rules of due process described in Section III, paragraph 3.2 above. The officers will determine appropriate restitution, if any, for the member to regain membership in good standing.

3.4.4 Grounds for event expulsion may become grounds for membership revocation via the rules of due process (see Section III, paragraph 3.2 and subparagraphs above).

Section VI: Voting

1.0 Definition of voting. Voting is the method whereby the membership of the BAS will decide who will occupy official positions, and what courses of action the organization may take.

2.0 Definition of voting membership. A voting member is any BAS member that meets the requirements to vote on officers and other issues.

3.0 Requirements for voting membership. Any full member of the BAS is accorded voting rights within the society, unless they are under review for possible membership revocation.

4.0 Issues requiring membership vote. The following agenda items must be brought to a vote:

4.1 Election of society officers.

4.2 Forced removal of society officers from office.

4.3 Forced removal of society officers from the bar.

4.4 Any society expenditure not directly related to society activities.

4.5 Approval of public activities to be carried out under the BAS name.

4.6 Amendments and changes to these by-laws.

5.0 Voting on non-required issues. Voting membership may vote on other issues not listed under paragraph 4 above, upon the motion being put forth and seconded by any attending full members.

6.0 Time of voting. Once the need for a vote has been determined, voting will take place at a time determined by the following rules:

6.1 Issues that require a membership vote, as outlined in paragraph 4 above, may not be voted on at the meeting in which the nomination/motion is proposed. Voting may take place one or more meetings after the nomination/proposal. This is intended to allow those voting members not in attendance to be informed of voting.

6.2 If an acceptable reason for expediency can be agreed upon by attending members and approved by a quorum of society officers, the deferred-voting requirement outlined in sub-paragraph 6.1 above may be waived for a given vote.

6.3 Voting motions made at a meeting which fall outside the normal required voting issues (as outlined in paragraph 5 above) may be voted upon at that meeting, or the vote may be deferred to a later meeting upon the agreement of the voting membership in attendance.

7.0 Other voting issues. The following guidelines will be used in determining voting results, validity, and method:

7.1 Unless otherwise specified within these bylaws or agreed upon in advance by the voting membership, the results of voting issues are determined by simple majority of those casting a vote. Those attending a meeting but abstaining from a vote are not counted in determining the majority percentage.

7.2 Voting may be done by either open or closed ballot, as determined by the voting membership at the time of the vote, unless specifically directed otherwise within these bylaws.

Section VII: Society Officers

1.0 President. The society membership must elect a president, who will perform the following duties:

1.1 Act as signatory for official documents as necessary.

1.2 Call meetings to order (good luck!).

1.3 Maintain order at meetings by exercising his/her privilege to grant or revoke the floor to/from any member.

1.4 Greet and introduce guests and new members.

1.5 Appoint members to administer approved posts or committee positions, as outlined in Section IX of this document, or personally assume the responsibility for the duties of the approved post(s).

1.6 Appoint, at his/her discretion, members to whom he/she will delegate one or more of the president’s own responsibilities, or to oversee certain other tasks or projects as outlined in Section IX.

2.0 Vice President. The society membership must elect a vice president, who will perform the following duties:

2.1 Act in the capacity of president pro tem, should the president not be present at a meeting.

2.2 Assume the office of the president, should the president become unable to complete his or her term of office.

2.3 Coordinate publicity efforts for membership drives and other society functions, as needed and appropriate.

3.0 Secretary. The society membership must elect a secretary, who will perform the following duties:

3.1 Act in the capacity of president pro tem, should neither the president nor the vice president be present at a meeting.

3.2 Keep a copy of the current bylaws and addendums, and present the need for any changes or amendments to the society.

3.3 Track and announce official calendar events as set forth in these bylaws and addendums, such as elections.

3.4 Coordinate and prepare agendas for each meeting, to be forwarded to the president for execution.

3.5 Maintain an inventory of society property, and approve the loaning of property for outside use.

4.0 Treasurer. If needed or desired, the society membership may elect a treasurer, who, if elected, will perform the following duties:

4.1 Act in the capacity of president pro tem, should the president, vice president, and secretary all be absent during a meeting.

4.2 Keep and reconcile all society financial records.

4.3 Present a report of society finances at least once per year, during a society business meeting.

4.4 Make a complete financial report available to the membership within two weeks of any request to do so.

5.00 BAS Techno Mage Duties to oversee the BAS internet presence and the editing of the BAS website, changes to which needing the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors. BAS Techno Mage would have the same additional responsibilities as Director (see section 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4) :

5.1 If no other society officers are in attendance, one of the directors shall function as president pro tem during business meetings.

5.2 Vote on issues requiring a quorum of officers.

5.3 Function as a society officer for any provision within these bylaws that specifies officer duties not otherwise assigned to a specific office.

6.0 Other officers. The BAS voting membership may, in the future, elect to create other offices (e.g., fundraising chairperson, dictator, dog-washer, etc.), if the need arises.

7.0 Election of officers. The following rules govern the time and method of electing society officers:

7.1 Nominations for officers will take place every two years, during the September and October business meetings.

7.2 All nominations must be seconded.

7.3 A person may nominate or second themselves for office, but not both.

7.4 Nominees may decline a nomination.

7.5 Elections will be held by closed ballot every two years at the October business meeting, following the second round of nominations.

7.6 Officers must be elected by the membership, following the rules of voting given in Section VI above.

8.0 Terms of office. The following rules govern officers’ terms of office:

8.1 Officers will hold office for a period of two years.

8.2 Officers may be re-elected to an office an unlimited number of times.

8.3 If the office of society president becomes vacant before the biennial October election, the society vice president automatically assumes the president's role. For all other vacated society offices, the voting membership must nominate and elect a replacement officer to serve for the remainder of the officer's term. Nomination and voting rules follow those outlined in Section VI. 

9.0 Voluntary vacating of office. An officer may voluntarily resign from office if circumstances warrant.

10.0 Removal of officers. If deemed necessary, the voting membership may remove an officer from office before the end of his/her term, following the voting rules given in Section VI. Replacement officers are determined as in sub-paragraph 8.3 above, and serve out the remainder of the removed officer’s term.

11.0 Officers as board of directors. For purposes of incorporation and other legal paperwork, society officers shall be considered as members of the BAS board of directors.

Section IX: Appointed Positions

1.0 Appointees. Appointeesare defined as BAS members, nominated or selected by the society president, to whom the responsibilities of specific short- or long-term society tasks and/or projects are delegated.

1.1 Highly specific, short-term tasks may be delegated to appointees selected by the president, without need for BAS voting membership approval. 

1.2 Persons filling approved posts or serving on society committees, as described in paragraphs 2 – 4 of this section, are considered appointees for purposes of these bylaws.

1.3 All appointees serve at the discretion of, and are accountable to, the society president.

1.4 Should the appointee fail to perform his/her assigned duties, the president is ultimately responsible for either assuming those duties, or replacing the appointee.

2.0 Approved posts. An approved postis defined as a long-term or continuing position, filled by a BAS member nominated by the president.

2.1 Approved posts must be sanctioned by the BAS membership.

2.2 Presidential nominees for approved posts are confirmed by majority vote of the membership. A confirmed nominee's term of service runs concurrent with that of the president, as long as the need for the post remains.

2.3 The president may, with the approval of a quorum of society officers, remove an approved post holder from service and propose a new nominee.

2.4 Retention of existing approved post holders should be confirmed within one month of the new or re-elected society president taking office, or a new nominee must be put forth, or the post must be eliminated.

2.5 The duties of any vacant approved post are the responsibility of the president, until such time as a new nominee is confirmed, or the post is eliminated.

3.0 Interim committees. An interim committeeis defined as a group of BAS members selected by the president to accomplish specific short-term (typically six months or less in duration) goals or tasks — e.g., hotel search committee, standards development committee, etc.

3.1 Interim committees shall be created and filled at the discretion of the president on an as-needed basis.

3.2 Interim committee appointments are valid for the duration of the assigned task, or until the committee is discontinued or dissolved.

3.3 The president has the discretion to terminate any or all interim committee appointments, or to replace any or all members on the committee, or to discontinue or dissolve the committee entirely.

4.0 Long-term committees. A long-term committee is defined as a group of BAS members appointed by the president to accomplish a specific ongoing or continuing task or project.

4.1 The creation of long-term committees must be sanctioned by the BAS membership, via the society's voting rules (Section VI).

4.2 Once created, the committee shall consist of BAS full members appointed by the society president. 

4.3 Retention of long-term committees and their appointees should be confirmed within one month of a new or reelected society president taking office, or new nominees must be put forth, or the committee must be eliminated.

4.4 The president has the discretion to terminate or replace any or all members of the committee; however, discontinuation or elimination of the committee itself must be approved by the BAS voting membership (Section VI).

5.0 Holding of appointed positions by society officers. Society officersmay hold one or more appointed positions while serving an elected term. An officer's appointed duties shall be considered separate from his or her elected office.

6.0 Other Considerations

6.1 No appointee who is not also a society officer shall be considered to have any standing for purposes of incorporation or any other legal paperwork.

6.2 Appointees my voluntarily vacate their appointment at any time. A vacated appointment must either be filled by a replacement selected by the society president or, if allowed, the position may be eliminated.

6.3 Any BAS member may challenge the decisions or actions of an appointee. Any disputes should be presented during the monthly business meeting and resolved via standard voting methods (Section VI).

Section X: Finances

1.0 Statement of financial goals. The BAS is a non-profit organization that aspires to remain fiscally stable. The primary responsibility for maintaining fiscal solvency falls upon the society treasurer, with the support of the society officers; however, all BAS members must help to ensure that expenses do not exceed income.

2.0 Maintaining of financial records. If, at any time, the BAS possesses monetary assets in excess of $50, the society must either elect a treasurer to maintain its financial records, or delegate the responsibility of financial record maintenance to one of the other officers. A non-treasurer officer charged with maintaining the BAS financial records effectively becomes the society treasurer for purposes of these bylaws, until such time as the society's monetary assets total $50 or less.

3.0 Disbursement of monies upon disbandment. Should the BAS organization become dissolved, any money or assets of the BAS must first be used to pay off any existing debts. Any remaining money and property will be given to a non-profit charity of the voting membership’s choice.

Section XI: Society Property

1.0 Acquisition and ownership of society property. The society reserves the right to acquire and own property for society use.

1.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance by the BAS voting membership, any items donated to BAS, purchased with BAS monies, or created as the tangible or intangible product of and/or for the BAS as a whole (i.e. logos, database contents, membership lists, etc.) are considered to be the wholly-owned property of the BAS.

1.2 Tangible and non-tangible items created by individuals for their own personal use within and/or outside of the society (i.e., personas and personal histories, costume items, personal gadgets, etc.) are considered to be the property of that individual, and are not owned by the BAS or regulated by these bylaws, except as pertains to their use within the society.

1.2.1 Permission to use society property for society purposes is assumed.

1.2.2 Use of society property by members or others, outside of society meetings and events, requires a donation from the persons/group using the property. Users must also sign appropriate damage waivers and are financially responsible for any damages other than normal wear and tear.

1.2.3 The president must approve the use of society property by members for promotional purposes directly related to the BAS. Members must sign the appropriate damage waivers, and are financially responsible for the property, but are not required to make a donation for the property's use.

1.3 Society property may not be utilized, loaned, rented, donated, or sold without BAS approval.

1.4 Society property must be checked in and out with the society secretary, and must be inspected before and after each use.

2.0 Property maintenance. All necessary society property maintenance and repair shall be coordinated through the society secretary.

3.0 Forfeiture of property privileges. The failure of individuals or groups to observe the rules and guidelines in this Section will result in forfeiture of privileges for use of BAS property, at the discretion of the president.

4.0 Legality of property transactions. All property transactions shall be done in accordance with any applicable local, city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations.

Section XII: Additional Activities

1.0 Right to sponsor or engage in additional activities. The BAS membership may, at any time, decide to sponsor or engage in additional activities under the BAS name, beyond those described within these bylaws.

2.0 Procedures for adopting additional activities. The following rules govern the proposal and adoption of activities outside of the required monthly meetings and quarterly events/social functions:

2.1 Any BAS full or associate member may submit an activity proposal.

2.2 Members wishing to present an activity or project proposal to the club must petition the society secretary to be included in the meeting agenda.

2.3 Activity/project proposals should include the following information, as applicable: goals, procedures, anticipated timeline, required resources, and proposed budget information.

2.4 Any activity or project proposal that requires the use of society funds, or any activity that will be conducted under the BAS name, must be approved by the voting membership, as set forth in Section VI of these bylaws.

2.5 If an activity is approved, the member who has proposed the activity is responsible for either overseeing the execution of the activity, or finding another person who will reliably accept the responsibility to do so.

3.0 Rules for execution of additional activities. Unless otherwise indicated by the nature of the activity, or waived during the proposal and adoption process, additional activities or projects will be governed by the rules for standard BAS events and social functions (Section V).

Section XIII: Amendment of by-laws

1.0 Provision of amendments to the BAS bylaws. These by-laws may be amended as the BAS voting membership deems fit. Voting concerning proposed bylaw amendments follows the voting rules outlined in Section VI above, except that a three-quarters majority is required for a bylaws amendment motion to pass.


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