Teslacon Scholarship Competition!

Have you ever wanted to go to Teslacon, but just haven't done it yet? Have you been to Teslacon before, but haven't been back for a while? Then this, my friend, is the opportunity for you! The BrassGears Adventurers Society is sponsoring two scholarships to this year's Teslacon! Teslacon is the premiere steampunk event in the midwest, some even claim the universe! It is held November 10th through 14th in Middletown, WI. This year's theme is Hawthorne Manor - A weekend dedicated to a plethora of preposterous paranormal predicaments & piffling passions.


To apply for a scholarship, please submit a short essay stating why you wish to be considered. Essays may be in written or video format. Essays are to be submitted to the BAS board of directors by noon CDT October 12th. Submit written essays to duressklin@gmail.com with a heading of BAS Scholarship. To submit a video essay, upload your video to YouTube as a private video. Copy the link and send it to the above email address. Questions may be submitted to the email address as well with a header BAS Scholarship Questions. Do not bother Lord Bobbins with questions about this contest. The responsibility, decisions, and actions regarding this essay competition reside solely with the BrassGears Adventurers Society.


Those selected for the scholarship will receive a ticket to Teslacon. You will be responsible for your own housing, transportation, meals, and extras.

For more information about Teslacon go to www.Teslacon.com

For more information about the BrassGears Adventurers Society go to www.brassgearsadventurerssociety.org.



BrassGears 10th Anniversary Party

